We are keen to reassure all of our trade customers who are concerned about the cancellation of many trade shows next year, that we will be hosting our own virtual event in 2021.
The virtual show will take the form of an online conference and will give buyers the opportunity to partake in a private showcase of our new products releases, have one-to-one meetings with the team and confirm listings for the year. The event will be held on Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 2021 to ensure that it does not clash with any existing trade events.
“None of us could have foreseen the current situation and we are truly disappointed that we won’t be able to catch up with everyone face-to-face in the new year,” states Kate, our Managing Director. “We hope our week-long drop-in event will complement other shows that may still run. We have lots of exciting things planned and can’t wait to share them with our customers and showcase our range of great new products for 2021.”
The link to our booking platform will be released in the new year. If you are interested in signing up for more information about the event, please email show@gibsonsgames.co.uk
Please sign us up for the booking platform event