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Gibsons Help Fight the Climate Crisis

Gibsons Help Fight the Climate Crisis
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 Gibsons Help Fight the Climate Crisis

As part of our sustainability mission, we’re thrilled to announce that we have joined forces with One Tribe, the certified B corporation whose digital platform enables us to help fight the climate crisis. For every order that is placed through our website, we will make a donation to protect 100sqm of rainforest and five trees, in turn reducing our carbon footprint and help save our planet.


Why One Tribe?

We decided to collaborate with One Tribe because their work spans far and wide, such as protecting Amazonian rainforests, biodiverse habitats, indigenous communities and endangered species. This work is 76x more impactful than planting a new tree – for example, planting 1 tree absorbs 53.1 kilos of carbon by 2030, yet protecting 20 trees absorbs 3900 kilos of carbon by 2030.

This is so important for the future of our planet. Rainforests are the lungs of our planet because they store and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. However, they are constantly being cut down for agriculture to provide for the meat industry and mining, oil and gas extraction.

Planting new trees is fantastic for the long term, but protecting the rainforest is much more effective for the present state of our planet. You can read more about the impact of deforestation here.

How Does it Work?

For every complete order placed on our website, we make a donation to One Tribe who in turn save 100sqm of the rainforest, protecting 5 trees. You can view our Impact Page, which tracks the difference we are making through the number of acres saved, trees protected and tonnes of CO2 stored, thanks to the purchases our customers make.

One Tribe works by connecting websites with rainforest protection charities through their platform, such as Rainforest Trust UK. The rainforest charities fund on-the-ground projects to save endangered rainforest by using three key strategies to protect rainforest:

Land Titling

Indigenous people often live on their ancestral land but have no legal rights to it.  This leaves the land at risk from logging, mining, oil and gas extraction and agriculture.  Creating land titles for indigenous people in these areas gives them the legal rights to live on their land, so that they can continue living there in a sustainable way.


The charities also protect rainforests through the creation of National Parks or other officially recognised protection areas.  Scientific research data is used to demonstrate the value of an area based on the plants and animals that live there, particularly when those animals are endangered.  It is a tried and tested method to protect large areas of rainforest and the species that live there.


This is by far the most expensive way to protect rainforest and so is used generally for smaller areas of rainforest that have critically endangered species that would go extinct if the land was not purchased and protected.  Once the land is purchased, it is monitored and managed to ensure long term protection.

Track Our Progress

Thank you so much for your support and we hope you are as excited as we are about our collaboration with One Tribe to help fight the climate crisis. Let’s work together to make a difference.




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