Over the last six years the public, staff and volunteers have donated thousands of jigsaws and have risen a total of £32,000 for vital conservation projects at Coughton. The team are always so overwhelmed by the generosity of the public and the money raised has gone towards vital projects such as re-wiring the mansion, conserving a selection of the paintings, including our miniature collection, and tapestry restoration by a specialist textile conservator.
Abi Cole, Marketing and Events Officer says, ‘the Jigsaw Festival at Coughton has become a firm favourite with our visitors over the past six years and the team are always astonished by the generosity of the public and the popularity of the festival. This year for our theme, Secret & Sacred, we’re looking at the unusual collection of objects which the Throckmorton family gathered, kept, and treasured throughout their 600-year history in this house. It’s nice to think that by donating or buying a jigsaw you’re helping to conserve this beautiful property and its collection for years to come.’
Abi continues, ‘By carrying out much-needed conservation work, our aim here at Coughton is to care for and protect this special place for current and future generations to enjoy. The money from every jigsaw sold at the festival goes straight back into the property enabling us to care for this beautiful place for everyone, forever.’
“We are thrilled to support the Coughton Court Jigsaw Festival this year,” states Samantha Goodburn, Marketing Manager at Gibsons. “Gibsons sponsor lots of jigsaw festivals around the country but Coughton feels extra special as it’s located in such a beautiful setting. We are very excited to support a festival that not only brings people together but also raises money for a worthy cause.”
If you have any jigsaws taking up precious space in your cupboards at home, the team at Coughton would love to take them off your hands! To donate please call the property on 01789 400777 for more information.
For more details of opening dates and times please visit: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/coughtoncourt or call 01789 400777
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