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A Guide to Gibsons' Educational Games

A Guide to Gibsons' Educational Games
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To keep us all safe during the COVID-19 outbreak we have been told to stay at home. For many parents, this can seem daunting. Lots of you will be asking, how can I educate AND entertain my children? Luckily for you, we have a selection of family fun games that will put smiles on faces as well as spark those all-important brain cells.


Rockpool – £13.00

Rockpool has just been added to our Little Gibsons range of puzzles and games. Designed by Dave Wetherall of GGG Games, players are encouraged to go rock pooling with their team of friends and loyal pups! Push your luck to collect the most shells and clean up rubbish from the beach before the tide comes in. Watch out for cheeky creatures who steal shells!

Players take turns adding Stone Cards to the Rockpool to reveal what’s underneath: shells, starfish, dog toys, cheeky shell-stealing creatures or even some horrible rubbish! Sometimes a Wave will come in and wash the contents of the Rockpool away and all the shells are lost. At any time, players can “Shout” to empty the Rockpool for their team and add shells to their collection.

Rockpool is the perfect mix of easy to play but hard to master, meaning that players of all ages and abilities will be hooked. Younger players will love collecting shell cards and will soon learn to be strategic about how and when to Shout as they can only use each of their team cards once.

A seriously fun game with a serious message, Rockpool also helps children to understand the impact of littering on beaches and the destructive effect of plastic waste in our oceans. It encourages players to collect rubbish from the beach to increase their chance of winning the game.

Rockpool can be enjoyed by groups of 2 to 6 players and is suitable for children 6 years and above.


Three Frogs More - £9.00



Three Frogs More is a simple to learn tile-laying game that improves maths skills and encourages colour recognition. The game is suitable for ages 5+ and can be played with 2-4 people. It can also be adapted for younger players meaning it really can be enjoyed by the whole family.

The aim of the game is to score points by making lines of three or more frogs of the same colour. It may sound simple, but with only 3 tiles in your hand to choose from and only one place to put them, it’s more of a challenge then you might think!

Diagonal lines of frogs score double points but are much trickier to spot. Don’t get distracted by the whimsical frogs larking about on the tiles.



Chicken Out! - £6.50 

Count your chickens and out-fox your friends! Chicken Out! Is an egg-citing, feather-ruffling card game for 2-6 players aged 7+. Take it in turns to play cards from your hand with the aim of reaching 21. Watch out! hidden among the flock are 10 cheeky foxes that will either help or hinder your chances of winning. To rule the roost and win the game, be the first player to run out of cards.

Like Three Frogs More, Chicken Out! Is a great way to practice mental arithmetic at home. So, if you are stuck for ways to get your children excited about learning, we hope these games are just the trick!


Card Game for Rebel Girls - £12

The aim of Card Game for Rebel Girls is to collect and complete sets of Character Cards to score as many Rebel Reward points as possible. Build a team of extraordinary leaders, warriors, pioneers, creators and champions in this original set-collecting card game that celebrates inspiring Rebel Girls from throughout history. Each Rebel Reward Card requires a different team of Rebel Girls to complete the task, so players must use their Character Card’s strengths and the handy Wild Cards to build a squad of strong girls. 

The game is brilliant for teaching children about the incredible of achievements of women from the past and present. We also have two jigsaw puzzles available, one as a 500pc and one as 100XL.



Pass the Bomb - £18.00

Last but by no means least, is our best-selling game Pass the Bomb which has been in our range for over twenty years. For about thirty nail-biting minutes, players nerves are tested to the limit by the threat of the ticking bomb. In turn, players must shout out a word that contains the letters on the card and pass the bomb before it ‘explodes’.

The game starts when one of the cards is turned over and reveals between two and four letters. The die is rolled to determine whether the letters that are on the card has to be at the beginning or end of the word, or no restriction (meaning they can appear anywhere in the word).

Once the player has stated a word, they pass the bomb to the left to the next player. The timer on the bomb is variable and will ‘explode’ somewhere over ten seconds but less than 60 seconds. The player holding the bomb when it explodes has to keep the card for that round, and the player with the least amount of cards at the end of the 13th round wins the game.

Pass the Bomb promotes fast-thinking, spelling and most importantly creates a bit of healthy competition!

The Pass the Bomb family has expanded and there is now, Pass the Bomb – The Card Game and Pass the Bomb -The Big One, so take a look at our wider range and see which version works for you and your family!





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