This blog is written by our Customer Services, Website & Social Media Executive, Savannah.
The UK has now entered its second lockdown, and here at Gibsons we think it is vital to recognise the huge importance that our Essential Workers play in our lives, and the pressure that they are under at the moment. We remember the Clap for Carers that occurred across the UK earlier in the year on Thursday evenings. At 8pm, people went out on their balconies or stood on their front porch, or the end of their driveways. There were claps, and cheering, and people banging on their pots and pans. We made as much noise as we possibly can, to express our thanks for our Essential Workers.
Clap for Carers is a thing of the past now, but we still recognise the need to thank our Lockdown Heroes for the support that they are providing at this time.
We are extraordinarily grateful for our Key Workers. We have created a Limited Edition Rainbow Heroes – In Aid of Samaritans 500pc circular jigsaw to celebrate and thank the people who have been so important throughout this. For every jigsaw that is sold, we are donating £2 to the Samaritans. We chose to support the Samaritans because of the emotional support they provide to anyone who is in distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. The COVID-19 crisis is the biggest challenge they have ever faced, so the donation will help them continue to provide support even after the pandemic.
Thank you to our NHS (National Health Service) workers who are on the front line every single day risking their own lives and isolating themselves away from their families and loved ones.
Thank you to our supermarket workers, who are working hard to restock the shelves so that we don't go hungry. Thank you to the drivers who bring groceries to homes, and unpack them so that people don't need to touch anything unnecessarily.
Thank you to the postmen who bring us our mail. Thank you to the delivery drivers and warehouse workers who probably have huge workloads as people are ordering more packages to their homes every day. Thank you for bringing our packages and parcels directly to our door rather than leaving it with the concierge at the bottom of our flat complex, or at the end of our driveways.
Thank you to our bus drivers and our tube workers who keep the cities running for everyone who still have to travel to work. Thank you to the employers who are encouraging their staff to work from home and are putting policies in place to enable them to do so.
Thank you to our street cleaners for collecting the bins and reducing waste on the streets.
Thank you to our journalists, television presenters and radio show hosts and all other people who present the news to us. Thank you for trying to keep fake news out, and thank you for trying to be objective and thank you for bringing us positive news as well, in order to bring some sense of optimism to this crazy world.
Thank you to the police force and fire services for standing by in case of emergencies.
Thank you to the farmers who dedicate their days to sowing and harvesting crops and looking after livestock, in order to keep the nation fed.
Thank you to all the families and households who have drawn rainbows and stuck them to their front windows. Thank you for not taking them down over the last 8 months. You refresh my daily walk.
Thank you to all the professionals in the funeral service, who are often overlooked. Thank you for maintaining your sense of calm despite a dramatically increased workload, and thank you for helping us say a final goodbye to our loved ones with dignity and humility.
Thank you to the governments globally who are trying to do their best by their people. Thank you to the civil servants who are trying to make the country run as efficiently as possible.
Thank you to my wonderful friends who support me and bring some sense of sanity to my life. Thank you to my family for letting me reach out across the world to you.
Thank you to the public for staying home.
I AM GRATEFUL. I am grateful to live in a world that shows compassion and kindness when it would be so much easier to close your door and look the other way. I am lucky to live in a country and work for a company that allows me to work from home, and is continuing to do their best by their employees while we are separated from each other.
I think it is important to remember this. Hopefully by November 2021, coronavirus will be a memory and the world will look a bit different to how it looks now. But I think it is vital to remember how grateful I feel now, for our essential workers and for our carers and for all the people who are vital to giving the UK (and the world) some sense of normality.