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Our New Pack of Positivity Is Out Now

Our New Pack of Positivity Is Out Now
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We have recently released our fabulous new Pack of Positivity, designed by Katie Abey, which we feel are absolutely needed during these difficult times. The cards are quite the pick-me-up, with plenty of confidence-boosters, affirmations, and a healthy amount of puns.

Given the current situation going on in the world, we thought it was important to focus on the positives. The Gibsons team collaborated and came up with some wonderful things that have happened to each of us throughout the year.

First of all, two babies have been born! Our Product Development Manager, Emily, welcomed her son in September, and our International Sales Manager, Alice, had her son in July.

The company has grown further, with 5 new staff members joining us. Our Sales Director, Nicki, says “it’s a real privilege to be expanding our team given the current situation, and they’ve all brought a positive vibe with them.” You can read the press release here about our fabulous new starters!

Amanda, our Head of Business Development, celebrated her 10-year anniversary at Gibsons this year, and we celebrated with a socially-distanced lunch in the office, complete with bubbles and cake. She also says “The silver lining to the lockdown was the opportunity to spend more quality time with my preschool children… It was nice to slow down and notice the little things - the butterflies in the wood, picking blackberries in the park to make ‘gruffalo crumble’ and hunting for conkers. For them all they could see was mum and dad being around 24/7 even if my husband and I were attempting our best swan impression of gliding through this new challenge.”

The team celebrating Amanda's 10-year work anniversary

Our entire team is absolutely delighted that jigsaw puzzles have had a comeback this year. Especially after celebrating our centenary last year, nobody at Gibsons could have predicted that 2020 was the year that puzzles had their resurgence. Kim, our National Account Manager, says that she is grateful for the amazing team we have at Gibsons. “Despite all the terrible news, personal struggles, and the unprecedented demand for jigsaws, I know that we will support each other over the line in to 2021.” On a personal level, Kim has managed to increase her running mileage from 3 to 24 miles over the last 6 months and is running a virtual marathon on Sunday!

Similarly, our Marketing Manager, Sam, has been running more. She says “I’ve just completed a ‘Miles for Refugees’ challenge where I ran 75 miles during the month of September. I’ve never been particularly good or enjoyed running before this year, but now I am much quicker and fitter, and it felt great to raise money for a good cause.”

Our Managing Director, Kate, has had a gorgeous puppy join her family, who kept them all entertained during lockdown. We were lucky to have the pup join us in the office as well, which was enjoyed by everyone. Kate says that during lockdown she was able to appreciate the small things, like spending time with her family and enjoying activities that they normally wouldn’t be able to do together, such as baking bread, making sushi, and creating dance routines with her daughters.

Nora, our office pup

Even though the world has been on standstill for the best part of the year, our Operations Coordinator, Rishi, was lucky enough to go to India in January. He carried out some charity work by visiting an orphanage and an old people’s home. “We took lots of treats, snacks and gifts. Words could not describe the feeling just seeing smiles on their faces had made my trip worthwhile. It made me realise just how much we take for granted at times and it’s all about the little things that really matter.” As the world opens again, Rishi is hoping to do more trips like this and make a difference where he is able to.

And he’s right! Even though we still have to soldier through COVID-19, and the nights begin to get longer and colder, it’s important to remember that we have plenty of things to be grateful about. The world is a beautiful place, and soon we’ll get to see it again. With Autumn comes comfy blankets and toasting marshmallows over the fire, and crunchy leaves to step on.

Plus, with our new Pack of Positivity, focusing on the positives only gets easier.

You can shop our Pack of Positivity here!


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