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Every Piece Of You - Interview With Taz

Every Piece Of You - Interview With Taz
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Every Piece of You is unique and important! Katie Abey has created this motivational 1000 piece puzzle, reminding us to celebrate the weird and wonderful pieces of ourselves in her usual fun and colourful style. The illustrations in this puzzle represent real people and their stories.

To celebrate Pride Month, we are promoting of Katie Abey's 'Every Piece Of You' puzzle. We interviewed some of the characters who were happy to share their input about their character and relationship with Katie.

Q1. Hi! Congratulations on being part of our jigsaw puzzle, Every Piece Of You! This 1000 piece puzzle is filled with magical and diverse human beings, including you! Can You describe the character that Katie has created for you?

Katie has created my character to be quirky, weird and different in a sunflower field last year.

I picked up a sunflower as they mean a lot to me. Always turning to the sun and shining. Sunflowers mean a lot my friends Andrea and Paige, as their favourite flower, so they had to be included.


Q2. How do you know Katie, and how did you end up in our jigsaw puzzle?

I have been a big fan of Katie, as my friends Robyn, Paige and Ruth.
We love Katie's work. It's cool and fun, Katie is a warm lovely person who is amazing at what she does <3


Q3. Please can you share which 'Sparkly and Weird' parts of yourself you used to hold back?

Unfortunately coming from a strict family background. Being different, weird and sparkly was something that pushed to me to diminish. But I rose from the ashes like a Phoenix, and became the Black Sheep that I am and always will be.
My friends and family love me for who I am and no one else matters.


Q4. How did you learn to embrace them?

By finally accepting who I am, and never conforming to society and the 'normal' way. Why be normal, when you can be sparkly, weird and different.


Q5. We are hugely proud of this puzzle and think the message is so important. Do you have any advice for people who are struggling to celebrate every part of themselves?

You will find your people.
Your chosen family.
The ones who love and appreciate you for every little bit of sparkly inside you. <3


Q6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Katie is amazing, and I am so thrilled to be a part of this puzzle, and my friends and my kids will be able to enjoy this activity.
Shout out to all my loved ones <3

1 comment

  • Douglas Lawrie: July 13, 2023

    This is a lovely jigsaw, beautifully drawn and a pleasure to work on.

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