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Every Piece Of You - Interview with Ann

Every Piece Of You - Interview with Ann
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Every Piece of You is unique and important! Katie Abey has created this motivational 1000 piece puzzle, reminding us to celebrate the weird and wonderful pieces of ourselves in her usual fun and colourful style. The illustrations in this puzzle represent real people and their stories.

To celebrate Pride Month, we are promoting of Katie Abey's 'Every Piece Of You' puzzle. We interviewed some of the characters who were happy to share their input about their character and relationship with Katie.

Q1. Hi! Congratulations on being part of our jigsaw puzzle, Every Piece Of You! This 1000 piece puzzle is filled with magical and diverse human beings, including you! Can You describe the character that Katie has created for you?

Katie created the quirky childhood version of my and my husband Lewis. When Lewis and I were dating, we were looking through family photo albums and realised we had the exact same childhood photo: sunglasses with the lens popped out, dead pan stare and both similar in age. It is still one of the moments we still laugh about. Our cat Kimber is added to the portrait too. She is the goober of the family and loves Christmas tree lights, hence the big anime eyes.


Q2. How do you know Katie, and how did you end up in our jigsaw puzzle?

I’ve been a fan of Katie’s work for years! I love that her art is a mixture of positivity, cheeky confidence, and puns. Her work reminds me of a lot of illustrators I admired when I was a kid. I jumped at the opportunity when I saw that she wanted stories and pictures about how weird people are. I was so excited she picked us!


Q3. Please can you share which 'Sparkly and Weird' parts of yourself you used to hold back?

People’s first impression of me is that I can be very serious. It takes me a while to warm up and soon they’ll find out that I have awful taste in humour, which I completely embrace. Dad jokes make me laugh uncontrollably sometimes. And I love riddles and word puzzles. I am also the worst at doing impressions of cartoon characters. I love to laugh! My husband knows this and somehow we’re weird together. We’ve been together for 16 years, married for 4 years. We now laugh the same, and have similar quirks, even if we’re eating a snack while watching TV. It feels good to have a partner who will embrace your weirdness


Q4. How did you learn to embrace them?

At some point, it didn’t make sense to try and sync up with people who couldn’t find joy in things. The constant negativity is a lot. I want to celebrate joy with everyone I love. There are plenty of simple joys to embrace and if that means letting your silliness come out, then so be it. Life’s too short for us to be this gloomy.


Q5. We are hugely proud of this puzzle and think the message is so important. Do you have any advice for people who are struggling to celebrate every part of themselves?

You are here for a reason and you are not alone. Know that there is someone out there, possibly many of us, who share the same lens as you. Everyone is learning and it’s not easy to accept “just be yourself.” It takes work but it’s worth it at the end


Q6. Is there anything else you would like to add?

I am grateful for being a part of this project! Thank you for choosing me and my little family! We’re huge fans of Katie Abey!


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